As caregivers for our senior loved ones, it’s normal for us to ask questions regarding their care and treatment. Today, Greater Works Companion Care, LLC, a provider of professional Home Care in Wilmington, Delaware, will answer the frequently asked questions that clients ask about Medicare.
- Q1. How do I know if my plan is changing for next year?Individuals receiving Medicare are sent a yearly notice called the “Plan Annual Notice of Change” (ANOC) listing any changes that will go into effect for the following year.
- Q2. Is Medicare paying for telehealth/online doctor’s appointments now that we can’t go out due to COVID-19?As of March 6, 2019, Medicare has expanded its services to telehealth visits. While some clients have been receiving this service prior to COVID-19, the coverage is now much broader. Contact your healthcare provider to find out more.
- Q3. Where can I go for information regarding Medicare plans for seniors? What I see are mostly ads.Medicare.gov is the best place you can go for resources and information on the best Medicare plan for your loved one. Visit their site today to learn more about the options available.
For trustworthy and responsible Companion Care in Delaware, contact us today.
We can help your loved ones achieve daily activities and address issues with Personal Care in a safe and comfortable manner.